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Duress App

Teachers, students, parishioners, and other approved users can quickly & easily identify a threat, launch a response, and provide real-time updates to responders.

First Responders Incident Commanders

Alert First Responders - Get Instant Response

Trigger an incident that instantly notifies first responders providing key information for an immediate response.

First Responders Incident Commanders

Provide Key Incident Information

Provide real-time information such as suspect and injured victims locations and details, directly to responders.

Provide Suspect and Injury Details

To help Police and EMS more effectively respond to the active threat event, teachers, students, and staff can provide additional information like the suspect’s location and description, as well as information about any injured persons.

First Responders Incident Commanders

Navigation & Injury Details for EMS

CERA provides EMS with navigation details to the Command and Medical Posts, allowing for faster response and assisting in Mutual Aid. EMS can view injury reports real-time and video conference with victims, triage injuries and provide 1st Aid instructions, helping create a prioritized evacuation strategy.

Get Medical Assistance

Engage with EMS instantly through a video call for vital, life-saving assistance while waiting for responders to arrive.


Download Brochure

You can’t command what you can’t see. Download our brochure for more details